A professional organizer helps you to objectively analyze your situation and works with you to change your environment to increase productivity, reduce stress and allow you to regain control of your space, time, paper, activities and your life.
A professional organizer provides ideas, practical solutions and helps create organizing systems based on your unique personality, work style and specific needs.
There is always hope. There is no “one size fits all” system of organization. Each person processes information and reacts to life circumstances in individual ways. What works for one person may not work for another. A professional organizer helps you to define and create an organizing system that is customized to work for YOU.
A professional organizer exists to help you, not to judge you or your situation. Professional organizers are bound by a code of ethics and all work done is completely confidential. Most clutter is the result of postponed decisions. A professional organizer simply helps you to finally decide what to do. They help you to get unstuck so that you can create a space and life that you are proud to show off to family and friends.
No one will force you to get rid of anything. A professional organizer helps you to gain control of the decision making process so that you can clearly decide what stays and what goes. Sometimes your space limitations help decide for you. The goal is not to simply get rid of everything. The goal is to have a place for everything that you need or want to keep and to be able to find it when you need it. Sometimes, tough decisions do have to be made, but the final decision is always up to you.
How much is it worth to you to get organized and regain control of your life? It is amazing what can be done in a few short hours of focused work with a professional.
Most professional organizers work on an hourly basis. Fees vary from project to project as each job is unique. The project can usually be broken down into manageable sections which allow the cost to be spread out to meet any budget. The important thing is to get started and not let cost keep you from the life and space that you desire to have. Fees among organizers can vary widely based on areas of expertise and even geographical area. Fees usually range from $50 – $150 per hour.
It will depend on your commitment level and how easily and quickly you can make decisions. The length of the project depends on the size and scope of the project and the time you have available to invest into getting the job done. Sometimes there is a deadline that cannot be avoided and that is the motivating factor. Getting started is the hardest part. Once you have a professional organizer to help you get past being overwhelmed, the project can usually move along at a reasonable pace. In any case, you, the client control the pace of the project as time and budget allow.